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About Sue Bishop

Flower and Landscape Photographer

Sue Bishop specialises in flower and landscape photography.  Her aim is to create an image that goes beyond a mere record of its subject and becomes something more, and her compositions are a celebration of colour, light and shape.

Sue has exhibited her work many times in venues including the Mall Galleries and the Gallery at Oxo Tower.  In 2004 she held a six week solo exhibition at the Royal Horticultural Society’s Lindley Library in London SW1.  As well as selling prints of her images, she has contributed photographs and articles to photographic magazines and has sold work for use in travel brochures, calendars and books.

Flower photography is a particular passion, and Sue has written two books on the subject, Photographing Flowers, which was published in Spring 2004, and Digital Flower Photography, published in Autumn 2008.  Her most recent book, Color, Light & Composition, which covers general principles of photography and is illustrated with both landscape and flower images, was published in January 2010.

Sue is an inspirational lecturer and experienced workshop leader.  In 1994 Sue founded Light & Land, a company which runs photographic tours to destinations all over the world. This is now the most successful company of its kind in the UK.


To contact Sue, please email her at sue@suebishop.co.uk

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Charlie Waite

"Through Sue’s images, we find ourselves swept away into colourful, abstract worlds. In many of her images, the flower has been used as a metaphor to take us beyond literal understanding, to find new meanings - to become entranced."

Joe Cornish

"Unashamedly romantic and beautiful, Sue Bishop’s photographs describe an idealised world, a distant sanctuary from the daily grind of modern life. A painterly sense of light and colour and subtle compositions of striking simplicity elevate these images way beyond the usual cliches of travel photography into a personal art form."

All the images on this website are available as hand prints on watercolour paper. Please click on the Books and Prints tab for details.

The photographs on this website may not be reproduced, copied, projected, electronically scanned or used in any other way without the express permission of Sue Bishop and prior agreement on terms of use, rights granted and reproduction fees.